It had been a difficult two days. Judas had betrayed Him, Peter had denied Him, and the rest of the disciples had forsaken Him. Now, Jesus lay in the tomb, dead, murdered for the sins of the world. The Pharisees posted guards outside the tomb because they didn’t want the disciples to come and steal His body… or so they said. Why would a group of cowards, who had deserted their leader when persecution struck, come and steal the body of that leader? It would seem that they were really afraid that Jesus was who He said He was and that somehow, these guards could stop Him from coming back to life. The earth was overcome with grief at the death of its Creator. Birds ceased to echo their chorus of praise, the sky was overcast as a reflection of its mood, and the rivers seemed to flow slowly. Three women anxiously waited for Sunday morning when they could finally go and give Jesus a proper burial with perfume and ointment. Peter felt no end to his shame and grief at denying his Lord; and, having no one to turn to, was driven back to his former life. Satan was torn with worry as his demons rejoiced because he knew that he hadn’t yet won. No, if Jesus was still dead on following morning, then (and only then) could he celebrate.
Finally, after what had seemed like an eternity of agony, Sunday morning came. It was not quite dawn as the women made their way to the tomb, walking as quickly as possible. A nervous smile crept across Satan’s face until it became a sinister grin… but he smiled too soon. The birds had begun to sing again and the clouds were scattered, as if some great hand had thrown them across the morning sky. The sun raced a little faster to break the horizon’s plane and the earth began to feel alive again. A light shot across the heavens and plummeted towards the tomb. The ground realized the full extent of what was taking place and, finding no voice with which to shout in ecstasy, shook and thundered with all its might. The rivers began to rush as a mighty torrent, racing to tell the ocean the magnificent news. Lightning flashed and thunder rolled. Satan bellowed in agony as creation roared in happiness. For the Creator is
no longer dead.
He. Is. Alive.
Take heart, oh sinner, there is hope for tomorrow. Jesus reigns and He has defeated sin, death, and hell. Would you like a couple of songs to encourage you today?
Here you go.
Oh, To See the Dawn
Thank you for reading,
Till next time,
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