
Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Another year has come and gone, nothing's changed.
I've wasted another year doing the same old things.
I want to break out of this and turn my life around. 
I'm going to make a vow to repent and turn to You!

Yesterday was my birthday. Wow. Another year older. But what's changed? "I've wasted another year doing the same old things." Every year I promise myself that I'll improve. But I just don't. Simple as that. Recently, someone asked me, "Ten years from now where do you see yourself?" and, although the question was about acting, it stands true for life. I think to myself, Do I really want a good change, a good improvement on my life? Do you? God has given me this time, this one chance to utilize my talents, to gain interest on them so that, when I enter the gates of Heaven, I can say, "Here, Lord, you gave me these, and I used them to do this." I don't want to waste another year doing the "...same old things..." I want to love the Lord with ALL my heart, ALL my mind, and ALL of my strength. It's definitely going to be a struggle, but with Christ, all things are possible.